Monday, August 16, 2010

Armed and Aimless

Beware obnoxious squirrels: The Red Ryder BB gun is out of its package and we know how to use it. Well, one of us knows. And I'll give you a hint: it ain't Carter and it ain't me.

For some redneck stress relief, hubby got out the BB gun we gave him for Father's Day. Carter has been begging. So Daddy set up an empty milk jug in the backyard and we all commenced to target practice, taking turns shooting from the upper deck.

Hubby has a natural aim -- not bad for a non-hunter.

Carter, however, couldn't seem to hit the broadside of a barn. Please note, we were not shooting at any buildings so I cannot prove or disprove this theory. He did have some difficulty. I gave it a shot and managed to hit the jug on my second try.

My arm muscles couldn't quite handle the cocking or whatever this maneuver is. I finally got it figured out later. Each time, though, I still expected to get an "automatic" type second shot right way like an arcade game. Didn't happen. (Probably a good thing.)

We moved the milk jug closer and Carter finally hit the target.

I was just relieved there was no "kick" to it all. So nobody had to worry about shooting their eye out or breaking their glasses like on Christmas Story.

Though Carter would make a cute Ralphie, wouldn't he?

Ahh, good times in the almost Northwoods. (And my stress is gone!)

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