Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to School

We're happy to report from the Austin camp that Carter survived his first day as a 7th-grader. New school. New schedule. New locker. New kids.

He did alright.

Of course, even though bussing doesn't start until next week, I still had to snap a few photos on the first day. Here we have Daddy, the Assumption alum, and Carter, the Assumption newbie. (They don't look related, do they?)

Since there wasn't a bus to ride, cousin Colin was kind enough to offer to give Carter a ride for the next 5 school days. This may be a unique week where he rides in Colin's Saturn one day and in his race car the next (if things pan out at the races tomorrow night). Lucky kid.

I will admit I was a nervous mom today (big surprise, eh?) and was doing a little clock-watching, figuring he'd get home from school about 3 p.m. and hoping he'd remember to call me!

He did.

I could tell by the excitement in his voice that it was a good first day. "I can open my locker in 8 seconds! Maybe even 5!" That was the first important thing. He also said he found all of his classes fine and just followed the crowd when he needed to. He mentioned there are about 3 girls to each boy in his homeroom. Yikes. And for their last period of the day, they got ice cream. I hope he realizes that's not an everyday occurrence!

He said he was a little embarrassed that he was worried for nothing. (Doesn't sound like anyone we know, does it?)

Right now we're heading into town to catch a little of the first home football game. Hubby went to Wausau with some friends to watch the races. Carter and I will go see if we can find some new friends of our own.

Go Royals!

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