Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Small Stuff

There's always some motivational speaker or writer somewhere shoving that "Don't sweat the small stuff" message in our faces. Well, sometimes the small stuff gets on my nerves and I can sweat it out if I want to.

Yes, this is the mood created when I wanted to do a simple download on the computer tonight and it took flippin' forever -- instead of the mere 15 minutes I had expected.

Trust me, I know that the word expected is part of the problem. If we don't have expectations then, hey, we're not disappointed and gosh, it's easy not to sweat the small stuff (or big stuff sometimes).

So I gotta take a few deep breaths here and focus on the small stuff that actually made my day, right? Is that what you're telling me?

...Sigh... Let's see...

Carter hit his target tonight with the BB gun! Two days into this and we still have 6 eyes between the 3 of us... That's good.

I reconnected with my high school BFF today and we are going to meet for lunch Sunday in the Dells -- a good halfway point between the 2 of us! That's very good.

We got our extra "baggage" back from Florida (driven up in our friend's parents' van) so we got to go deliver presents to the "big boys." This was a small thing that meant a big deal to me because I got to see my younger stepson (formerly known as "the truant") for the first time since Christmas. He has not really wanted anything to do with us, our guidance or concerns about him or school. Thankfully I had no expectations about him welcoming us with open arms so I was happy with a small gesture. He saw us and even cracked a smile or two.

And that is the small stuff that can fill a big hole in my heart.

For today.

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