Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sleepy Head

Not sure if it's the full moon or what, but I have not slept decent in many a night!

Right now the computer chair is propping me up but I will be hitting the hay in no time. I'm jealous of Carter who has been able to sleep in this week. Also jealous he's been taking it easy. But I won't be jealous of his homework later this week, that's for sure!

I've got enough of my own. Sort of.

This adjustment to the new/expanded job thing is coming along -- just not at the speed I would like. There are so many new things to remember that I feel like I am forgetting things. So far I am a quick study and am doing things right. Now I just have to pick up the pace. Tomorrow I am working at home just so I can have a "catch-up" day with no phone or office-related interruptions. I look forward to being productive.

And look forward to a day with Carter, who is too old to need me home with him now. Though he's been so bored the past 2 days he just might want me home with him. (Lucky me!) Plus there's that outside chance that since it is his last day before school starts, we might get to go out to lunch or something. Depends how productive my morning is.

The good thing about working at home is that I have one big ol' pot of coffee close by to kick me into gear! Judging how I feel now, I'm gonna need it.

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