Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What I Did on my Summer Vacation...

Summer vacation is officially over for Carter. Other than the part where he has to head back to school at sunrise, I don't think he's complaining.

He had a full summer -- and Daddy and Mommy did right along with him -- between the regular league baseball season, tournament team baseball, Kidz Camp in Iola, vacation in Florida, a Brewers game and some evenings at The Harbor. Yep, he's got it rough.

Now it's "so long, summer" and "hello, seventh grade!"

He had his "locker drop off" and open house this evening at Assumption Middle School. A smart opportunity to drop off the school supplies that he doesn't want to have to lug in a backpack in the morning. Plus, it was a non-pressured time to meet the combination locker and learn to work it and love it!

I think he'll be alright. He got his locker open on the second try and fit everything in there that he needed to. On the way home he asked: "Where do I put my backpack?" Oh that has to fit in that little skinny locker, too, plus your coat this winter. So yeah, it's not that big of a storage space after all.

Before he went to bed he said he's feeling much more confident! I don't even know if he had trouble falling asleep because I went over to the house of a girlfriend of mine who was not on my "summer vacation" list. Haven't seen her in months and it was a great visit. But getting home close to midnight? Probably not a good idea on a school night.

I gotta get used to saying that now :(

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