Monday, August 23, 2010

Different Perspective

We are counting down hours now to school starting -- about 60 for those keeping score with us at home.

Since Carter is done at Kidz Camp, we are letting him sleep in a few days before the alarm clock starts going off at 6 a.m. on a regular basis. Don't feel sorry for him. This is exactly when he got up all summer long so, thankfully, he'll have a minimal adjustment for school.

Today he stayed home and was taxed with one chore: Clean his room. Well, more specifically, clean off and organize his desk so he can use if for homework starting Thursday. I told him last night that if he got it all done today then he could relax tomorrow and Wednesday.

His response: "Mom, I don't really see what I have to do."

Really? It doesn't matter that you can't get to your desk let alone see the surface? (Asks pot to the kettle.)

His version of a clean room and mine have rarely lined up. We definitely have different perspectives on what organized means, but I am not one to judge. After seeing what he did accomplish today (even though he "took it easy" this morning, he said), I'm leaning toward taking a day off to clean my desk!

Though I think I'd need more like a week or a month to really flip this house! Maybe I could get Carter to help... He's got nothing to do for 60 hours!

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