Sunday, August 8, 2010

Florida Fotos

A teeny tiny portion of our photos from Florida...

The early bird gets the ... sunrise photos!

A beach routine -- filling up the Fat Tuesday drink coolers with slushy drinks from Fat Tuesday. Cheers from Christine, Jim and Mike!

Blinded by the white.... Carter poses on the first day. Yes, I'm from Wisconsin. No, I'm not a farmer but I have a "farmer's tan."

I was taking a picture of Carter and this guy rudely walked in front of my lens!

Family picture before the Everglades airboat trip -- just in case they had to search for us or identify us later!

Was all concerned about getting a picture of one of these yellow flowers. Learned later that one of every 4 is a "home" for a black widow spider! Glad I didn't lean over the boat!

Had our ride in an airboat like this one (which ended up getting stuck in the weeds). Glad them not us!

One of the gators near the boat.

Another one we spotted!

This one was part of the show with Crocodile Dundee. Look ma, no hands!

Anyone know a good dentist? Scary.

Glad there was a muzzle on this little guy when Carter held him!

Lots to do and see along the beachfront. Here is a photo op bench (from the Forrest Gump movie) at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Had excellent cajun shrimp there!

It was nice to take breaks in the AC sometimes but every time we'd see the boys play their video games we wondered why we didn't just stay in a hotel in Wisconsin. Would they know the difference?

Spent a few hours at Jungle Island in Miami. Not sure how they got those parrots to behave! Well actually, they didn't. The one took Jim's glasses right off so we had a picture without them! Silly birds!

A photo (without birds) at the entrance.

Good thing they didn't fly off with Carter's hat!

Saw lots of neat things at Jungle Island, including hundreds of pink flamingos!

Also saw unique (but gross) things like this albino alligator...

And this liger -- the world's largest cat, weighing in at something like 900 pounds.

Did you know Godzilla dines on a light salad before toppling buildings and eating people?

I don't want to know what this guy dines on. Glad I didn't volunteer from the audience!

Some unique buildings and architecture in downtown South Beach.

One of first to arrive at Sun Life Stadium for the Marlins vs. Phillies game Wednesday.

Hanging out with my guys.

Billy the Marlin mascot.

The Jungle Queen riverboat that took us on a 3-hour tour of the Fort Lauderdale canals.

I think this was the house used in filming Where the Boys Are. It was hard to keep track when shooting photos and listening to our guide. There were just so many nice homes!

Random nice home...

Another random nice home... I have dozens of these. I'll stop now!

Don't forget Mr. Rich with the new and used yachts. The used one on the left is just not big enough so he has to sell it!

Friday was a super wavy day at the beach...

Here hubby gets a face full!

Time to "wave" goodbye!

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