Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pre-emptive Strike

Pre-emptive: Designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence.

I had to laugh today when one of the guys I work with warned us that he will be making a crabby phone call first thing in the morning. "So forgive me now for whatever sinning happens," he said.

I told him I had heard of pre-emptive strikes and pre-emptive wars but never pre-emptive forgiveness on what appears to be pre-meditated sinning! But who am I to say? I don't know everything.

Carter and I did a little pre-emptive strike of our own tonight -- to deter or prevent anticipated anxiety.

I had to stop at the Assumption Middle School to drop something off so we took his new class schedule with us and took a little "field trip" up and down the halls of his new school.

It was good for him to see how easy it will be to find his locker (his name is on it), his homeroom and his other classrooms. They are all well marked with room numbers and teacher names that match up with his schedule. Imagine.

For the most part, his schedule is the same up through lunch hour and it varies in the afternoon, depending on the day. That'll be the only part he'll have to pay attention to. Of course, it should be a lot easier than grade school where they had A day schedule, B day schedule, etc., (that got out of sync as soon as there was a weekday off). Now he just has to remember if it's Monday or Thursday, etc.

Then there's that business of a combination lock on the locker. I don't think there's any pre-emptive action for that. You know that's the thing that little Anal Retentive Robyn Jr. will lose sleep about next week!

Sigh... Everybody loves change.

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