Wednesday, October 13, 2010


They say all's well that ends well. I guess that can apply to a day, too, can't it?

It was another stressful day at work but we got through it.

Had our car in for an oil change and learned it's probably close to being on its last legs. Who can blame it after 215,000 miles?

Had a good run tonight but felt like I was on my last legs, too! Think I need to be hydrating a bit more during the day. But I needed the run. I needed the endorphins. Endorphins make me happy. Or at least less stressed.

You know what else makes me happy?

The Schwan's man told me on his last visit we are "one catalog away" from MY catalog! That would be the Winter/Holiday one with the Peppermint Stick ice cream. Tonight I went out to freezer in the garage and decided it was time to crack open my last container of it from last winter (remember I practically bought him out).

Well much to my surprise and enjoy-MINT, I had 2 containers left!

I asked Carter if he wanted some of that or the Autumn Treat ice cream. Since we have only one container of that and "you have a year-round supply of Peppermint Stick, I'll take the Mint," he said.

So we both got in a little Christmas spirit... Just as the Fleet Farm commercial came on TV announcing Toyland opens this Saturday! OK, ice cream is one thing. But Christmas shopping before Halloween? I'm not ready yet.

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