Saturday, October 23, 2010

Make A Difference

Today is Make A Difference Day. This is always a good opportunity to do something to make a difference in your community -- or just in someone's life -- through some volunteerism.

Carter and I took part in a project undertaken by the Assumption Middle School students and their parents. This year's focus was creating cloth bags that contain person hygiene items such as toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, etc. These will be distributed to some organizations who help local families in need.

I said at the get-go that I did NOT have any sewing skills so they put both of us to work cutting cloth, meticulously threading string through the top of the bags, assembling the innards and typing up a little message on the computer. (See, I put my writing skills to work!)

Hubby, who is home safely from Vegas, dropped us off at 9 and is scheduled to pick us up at noon, right after he goes to an 11 a.m. funeral. We got done with our project earlier than planned so Carter and I got a ride to the library and are hanging out here a bit. We'll have to make the trek back to school in the pouring rain to meet up with Jim in a little bit. (Did I mention this one-vehicle business is a pain?)

After that, we'll stop at home to throw some Viking clothes in an overnight bag. Then we will head Up North to make a difference in my dad's life. He turns 83 today and, after a recent illness and just this week losing several friends who passed away, I think he just needs to feel alive and well and loved.

We are meeting up with hopefully most of my family at the Hog Wild in Luck. Now doesn't that sounds like a hootin' hollerin' good time for an 83rd birthday celebration? I bet it will be.

And if it can make a difference to my dad, then it's all worth it.

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