Friday, October 8, 2010

Ready... March!

Carter's first grading period of the school year ended yesterday so he did not have school today. When I saw the forcast -- sunny and 80 for today -- I thought I better take vacation and stay home with him!

Ha. Yes, the deck chair calleth... and I answered! But not until I had my weekend "chores" done and Carter and I got groceries. Then I sat out awhile and he got his band gear in gear for tonight.

This is a big night. Assumption homecoming with pregame and halftime entertainment by Carter (and the rest of the High School & Middle School Marching Band, of course!). Jim is in La Crosse watching Colin race in the Oktoberfest Racing Weekend so I will be video-taping the performance. I am not confident I will have very good lighting for pictures so Carter and I did our own photo shoot in the front yard a few minutes ago...

Looks pretty sharp, doesn't he? I can't wait for tonight!

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