Monday, October 4, 2010

Little Goals

The gratifying aspect of setting little goals is that you often achieve them.

Our first mini-goal of the day was to head into work early. I knew I had tons to do this week in order to leave early a few days for soccer, dentist, etc. So I set the alarm an hour early -- 4:45. As it turned out, I woke up for some reason at 4:15. I noticed hubby was out of bed already (he's not a great sleeper). I found him out on the couch trying to find the Ryder Cup on TV. I figured as long as we both were having trouble sleeping, we might as well head in even earlier.

It was a dark drive and we were there before sun-up but, hey, first goal achieved. (And it was a pretty productive day so many goals were achieved.)

We had to hit the road by 3 p.m. to get to Carter's 4:30 soccer game in Marshfield. Yes, it's quite a hike from Iola. Marshfield has skunked us twice, 8-0 and 6-0, so the team's realistic goal today was not to beat them on their turf -- but just score against them.

And we did!

We ended up losing 6-2 but the team was ecstatic to get 2 goals past them. Too bad we don't have another game for a week. They would love to carry that momentum forward! Now we are down to just one game and yes, it's a big goal, but we want a win. It would be our first of the season.

Some goals, no matter the size, just taste sweeter when you reach them. Can't wait!

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