Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Motley Crew

I know Halloween is supposed to be strange, but this one was a weird one for us. We were prepared that trick-or-treating had come to an end since Carter is in 7th grade. But he had a group of girls ask him to tag along so he wanted to go.

Our only rule was that he had to dress up. None of this showing up with a pillow case and begging for candy. So he decided he wanted to dress up as an injured person who got run over by a car or hit by a bus. "I can say I'm a role model. This is what happens when you don't look both ways." He found some used crutches at Goodwill and we tore up an old sheet for bandages. We paid 2 bucks for face paint and away we went.

He wanted a black eye and some various cuts on his face. (Sort of like Brett Favre today.)

And we can't forget multiple head wounds either!

We wrapped his head, one wrist and a foot. Thankfully, Trick-or-Treat hours don't last too long. I don't think it's all that fun walking around on crutches!

The group of girls he went with are fun bunch. I knew 2 of them from soccer -- the "man" next to Carter and the pink-faced monster next to her -- but the others seem pretty nice.

After dropping him off, it was back home to hand out treats for the first time ever. We had no idea if anyone even swings into our neighborhood since most of the kids in residence go elsewhere (as we have for years).

I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but we've been so preoccupied with the car and other "stuff" going on that we never even got a pumpkin to carve this year! I know, that's awful. But I put a lighted fake one in the window to attract any ghosts or goblins passing by.

We had a group of 5 young trick-or-treaters knock on our door before the "official hours" even started. Whoa. Maybe I should start a tally board! But then, just like Linus waiting for The Great Pumpkin, no other trick-or-treaters arrived.

So I guess that's more Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Kit-Kats and Butterfingers for us. What? You think we'd hand out treats we didn't like?? Add to that Carter's 4 pounds of candy (yes, I weighed it), and we're set at home and my work candy dish for quite awhile.

Probably about as long as it takes some of those girls to get all the glitter and color out of their hair! I'm happy to report, Carter was "injury-free" in no time. Now that's a good Halloween

Hope yours was filled with a few treats, too!

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