Friday, October 29, 2010

Wheel Done

I am pleased to report we are back to being a two-car family again!

After our failures in Wausau yesterday, we widened our search on the Internet and found ourselves in Green Bay this morning at a Honda dealer. We had one in mind from our search last night and, after looking at several similar ones on the lot, came home with it.

So we have a new car -- new to us, anyway. It's a 2006 Civic with low enough miles we think it can get us to Iola and back for the next 6 or 7 years. (And we hope our jobs last that long, too!)

Carter likes it because of all the little interior lights and digital displays. He got to ride shotgun on the way to a birthday party at the YMCA in Port Edwards. He does this sweeping "Vanna" motion of the dashboard and says, "I just love all this technology!" It's no KITT car, that's for sure.

After we dropped him off, we had about 2 hours before we had to return. Rather than drive all the way home, we hopped down the road to Goodfella's in Nekoosa and met our friends Mike and Christine for pizza. Hadn't seen them in awhile so that was fun.

When we were done eating and still had time to kill, we thought, "Why don't we go to the casino and blow some of our hard-earned money?" Well, we weren't thinking that exactly, but you all know that's how it almost always turns out. Unless you're my father-in-law who always "breaks even." (So he says.)

Did have fun there and picked Carter up by 8:45 p.m. It was a very long day with minimal time at home. But who can complain about a new car, old friends and good pizza?

Not me.

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