Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shop 'Til You Drop? I Don't Think So!

Carter is laying on the carpeted floor of the computer room as I type this. He claims it's because he's waiting for his blanket to warm up. I think he wants to make sure I don't write about any girls he may "know." So I'll save that for another time...

Today was our first day of shopping for a new (well, different) car. You know, some people love shopping. We're suddenly not fans.

We had a Honda sort of picked out from various Internet searches. It seemed the best deal for the price versus mileage. So we trekked up to Wausau after work to check it out. We tried not to appear "too interested" so we actually ignored the Honda for awhile and test-drove 2 other vehicles.

When we got to the Honda, it became immediately clear why it was priced so reasonably low. We're talking "basic model" here, folks. Here is this 2005 model with a missing radio (but a spot for one) and, get this, roll-up windows! Oh no sir, we are not traveling back in time and having "manual" crank windows! And yes sir, we need a radio when we're in the car for 2 hours a day. Yikes.

So, since that was the last vehicle we looked at, we headed home and will have to embark on Day 2 tomorrow. There is no school and hubby and I both took the day off. So maybe all 3 of us can join in the fun! Hmm.

Actually, we don't have any other cars in mind right now so we need to think up a game plan. All I know is I do not want to spend our whole day off shopping.

Unless it's for new shoes or something. But those can only get me so far...

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