Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Fury

Yup, I stole that headline from The Weather Channel, but really, there's no other way to describe this crazy windy weather!

It was a loud night last night with the wind just howling constantly. Despite less sleep, there are 2 things I'm grateful for. One is that nothing came flying through any windows (we saw plenty of downed trees and branches on our morning commute). And two is that it was just wind with a teeny bit of rain -- even though it sounded like a blizzard.

Well, make that 3 things I am thankful for. We did not get snow. My nephew Tim out in South Dakota and friend Gail in North Dakota both reported "blowing and drifting" snow today. Yikes. It looks like it veered off into Canada or maybe northern Minnesota. But it doesn't seem to be coming to Central Wisconsin. If you believe the weather men.

Since it allegedly will be sunny and 40-something on Friday, hubby and I will go look at vehicles then. For now, we're being nice and sharing the CRV with each other. He was extra nice and took Carter into town to confirmation so I could get some baking done, too. Due to my Momma Drama, I never got my Rice Krispy treats where they needed to go last Thursday so I am trying this again.

And Fall Fury or no Fall Fury, it is perfect baking weather! Don't ya think?

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