Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chicken Soup for the Soul (Mate)

Sometime right before Halloween, the Massive Head Cold Monster sneaked into our house and bit hubby and me. We're guessing it was Friday night when we were too caught up in the euphoria of a new car and scarfing down good greasy pizza to notice.

But on Saturday, we had an inkling when we started sniffing a bit and feeling that illusive tickle in the back of our throats. Oh, it wasn't enough to keep us down or stop us from our weekend fun, but we knew it eventually would.

Come Sunday morning, we were done in. Seriously, we all slept like 10 or 11 hours and no one made it to church. (Perhaps this was a satanic monster??) We were stuffed up and coughing that annoying little nagging cough that doesn't quite require a cough drop.

We still stocked up on the Hall's and hubby decided it was a good day to make chicken soup. He makes the best! So we fortified ourselves with that while resting comfortably on the football-viewing couch and, later, not caring a whole lot that the trick-or-treat action (requiring movement off the couch) was slim to none.

Here it is 3 days later and I still can't shake this thing. Jim, luckily, has moved on. I, on the other hand, have been downing his delicious chicken soup for lunch each day and getting myself to bed by 9 each night.

I'm guessing since I ran out of Kleenex at work and coughed significantly less last night that the end may be in sight. Who would have thought a stupid, inconvenient head cold could wield so much power?

Part of me thinks I'm just sick about how the elections turned out. Unfortunately, even the best chicken soup on Blue Jay Drive can't fix that!

Cough, cough, sigh...

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