Sunday, November 28, 2010

Game Day

Am home and exhausted -- in a good way -- after a great weekend Up North.

Got to my twin's before dark Friday and we commenced to cookie baking. Well a little bit. After supper, Carter and I assisted her with her peanut butter cup cookies. Basically we unwrapped the cups and tried not to eat them. Tough job but someone had to do it.

We got up Saturday morning to get everything ready for the "crowd" otherwise known as our family. We had some lunch and grazed all day while mainly playing games. There was little baking actually going on. Just lots of eating, laughing and playing. We should almost just call it our annual "Game Day" but I guess that would indicate we only do those once a year. Not so.

It's not that our family is competitive (well, it is). We just like having fun playing old favorites -- and introducing each other to new games we have learned since the previous gathering.

Yesterday we played some cards (I continued in my brother's spot after he left and won). We had a new game called Smartass that I did not partake in but, based on the name alone, undoubtedly would have won. And a new "old" game called Pit that I remember my parents having when I was a kid. I don't remember playing it, though. Surely something so loud would not have gone on long.

In fact, Carter got so into that game (the yelling part) that he woke up this morning without a voice. I was so proud. He's a true Hedberg alright.

By the way, his voice returned so there was no permanent damage :)

Carter and I hit the road in mid-morning and got home in time to see "highlights" of the Vikings' first road game win this year. So we had 2 successful Game Days in a row! Will Carter's basketball game tomorrow make it 3?

Let's hope so!

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