Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lucky 13

It wasn't hard to find something to be thankful for today. I'm thankful I live in central Wisconsin where we merely had some drizzling rain -- not the mammoth snowfall much of my family in Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin is dealing with! Must be the lucky 13 on the calendar.

When I checked in with my parents this afternoon, my dad said the plow had already been by once. That's snowplow, not a plow & tractor doing fieldwork. "We might get 13 inches before all is said and done," Dad said. I guess 13 can be unlucky in that way!

It would have been fine to be snowed in. We had no definitive plans for the day so it wouldn't have been disruptive in the least. As it was, we found plenty to do (since we could).

Hubby cleaned up the garage and hung our bikes on the ceiling so we had room for the snowplow -- for when we do need it. I got some more Christmas cookies made. Tried something new I sort of made up and I was very pleased with the results! Yum.

The drizzle held off long enough for me to get a good run in and Carter got some batting practice in, too! Well, he was indoors doing that, trying not to lose all the progress he made this summer.

Later, he helped me on my fact-finding mission -- checking out which stores have Netbooks and iPods, etc. We might have a plan in place if Black Friday proves irresistible. Gosh I hope not.

Tonight, while Jim was at church, Carter and I watched the movie Up on DVD. He misplaced the DVD for a year, honest, and found it so we had to watch it. A neat, touching movie young and old should see!

After that we played some dice (Bustola!) and cards -- we had to keep playing games until Carter quit winning (that's our Mom & Dad rule). I finally won one. But we all know that's just luck.

Better not push ours or we'll see snow on the ground when we wake up!

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