Monday, November 29, 2010

The Game Plan

Going into each basketball game, Carter's coaches share their strategy. Basically it's pretty simple: Just implement the game plan. You know, all those plays, moves, strategies, drills we go over and over and in practice? Do them!

When the team doesn't follow the game plan -- or prepare to work around challenges -- it doesn't do so well.

Tonight that was the unfortunate case in the Assumption boys game against the Rapids West Junior High team (which consists of former teammates and classmates of Carter's). We ended up going scoreless the first quarter, were behind 20-6 at half, then lost 36-20.

Carter played tough on defense but did not contribute much offensively. He was 0 for 1 from the free-throw line, and there are times it looked like he hadn't touched a basketball since the last game. And, in fact, due to the long Thanksgiving weekend, that was the case.

Just goes to show you when you have a game plan, you need to learn it, learn from it and find a way to implement it -- even when obstacles (tall kids, lack of practice, etc.) seem to be standing in your way.

Trust me, I know what happens when I don't follow my game plan. If I'm on the golf course, I starting shanking shots, missing putts and cursing like a sailor. If I'm running a race, I get a cramp or side ache or can fizzle out early, too early. In life, I tend to get cranky and, therefore, by the process of osmosis or something scientific I'm sure, get everyone else cranky. Not good.

I am one of those fortunate folks who actually has a game plan for living a positive, peaceful life. I had been trying to outrun God's proverbial lightning bolt for a long time. And actually managed to stay a step or 2 ahead of it, sort of. It was 12 years ago today that it hit me, as close to literally as it could, and I had an awakening. All I had to do was turn my will (that's a hard one) and my life over to God.

Simple, right? It is if you remember to do it every day and sometimes more than once a day. It all goes to Him and He can do what He wants with it. But I have to trust Him. That's part of the game plan. If I try to take control -- take my will back -- we're in trouble. Well, one of us is anyway.

Thankfully, I have a super support network of family and special friends who keep me on my game, who keep me "growing" in the right direction. You are awesome and I love you!

If there is one thing I have learned over the past dozen years, it's this: We cannot change our past but we have the power to change the person we become because of it. You just have to follow the game plan.

And, if you're human like me and screw up. Ask God for the strength to start over tomorrow.

It's worth it.

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