Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Hunting

Thank you, deer hunters, for waiting until after 7 a.m. this year to fire your first shots near our house. I should say, not necessarily close to our house but within ear-shot.

At first I thought hubby's snoring woke me up, but then I heard 2 more shots and was reminded it's opening day of gun-deer hunting in Wisconsin.

Hubby doesn't hunt so we felt it best to stay inside in our nice warm bed -- considering the temps didn't get out of the 20s until mid-morning. B-r-r-r. Glad I wasn't in a tree stand anywhere. I do appreciate the hunters that are out there thinning the herd, though, so I don't have to do it with my car!

Since I had good reason to stay indoors, I turned into Martha Stewart on Red Bull.

Got the last of my Christmas cookies baked and my plates set up, bagged and labeled for my family cookie exchange next weekend. It's all set to go. In advance of a Packer-Viking party tomorrow, I made a pan of The Best Cranberry Bars Ever and the frosting recipe that goes with those, plus some dip, plus a yummy mandarin orange jello salad. (I'm thinking I'm more prepared for tomorrow's game then perhaps some of the players!)

After my Martha stint, I did do some "hunting."

Went over to my Scrap Sister Jenny's house and hunted through her Cricut cartridges to see which ones I should put on my Christmas list. This is definitely a case of putting the cart before the horse -- or in this instance, the cart-ridge before the Cricut. I am just assuming (and you know where that gets us) that I will snag one of these on Black Friday. There's no turning back now.

While I was gone, hubby put on his "Martha" hat, too, and we had homemade beef soup for supper. Yum! He's the best!

Tonight Carter and I kicked it old school and watched a movie on the VCR. I can't tell you when I last operated one of those! I see how I have enjoyed skipping through the previews without having to labor through "fastforward." But something put us in the mood to watch Monsters Inc. and we only have that on VHS. Glad we watched it. Those Pixar movies rock!

Now it's bedtime and I told Carter he better brush his teeth or a monster will jump out of his closet! For some reason all I got was an eye-roll.

I swear he used to think I was funny ... back in the days before DVD players were invented, I bet.

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