Monday, November 15, 2010

Hard Part's Over

We woke up to a snow-covered lawn and deck and driveway... but by the time we got going to work, it had pretty much melted. Just a dusting. Not sure if we can technically call it our "first snow" of the season. I'm sure you folks who actually had to SHOVEL this weekend are saying, "Heck no!"

That's fine. We'll wait.

Work went by in a blur today. Lots to do and it seemed a short time to get there. But that's Monday.

We had to leave at 4 so we could get to Carter's 5 p.m. game at "home" versus the Newman Fighting Cardinals. I can say this, the hard part of having that intimidating first game of the season is over and it seems like the boys were a little more comfortable out on the court. Yes, that includes Carter. He didn't have that deer-in-the-headlights look when he got the ball. Instead he did some dribbling, decent passing and had a few defensive moves worth noting. He didn't get a chance to shoot so no personal scoring to report.

Although the Royals played a little bit better than Friday, they unfortunately were no match for the Wausau team and lost 34-17. The boys weren't as bummed out as I expected. Instead most of them seemed OK that they were starting to figure things out.

They won't have a chance to practice before their next game, though. Tomorrow they hit the road and play at Amherst. Carter is getting a ride since that is right on our way home from work. Hopefully the jitters are gone and behind us -- so there's just improvement ahead!

Speaking of improvement, I better get back to my closet project. I did say the hard part was getting started. And that's over...

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