Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Extra Supervision

We're getting to that age where going to funerals is becoming more a part of our routine than it used to. Not people our age, typically, but their parents.

The moms and dads we got to know as youngsters while we were raising heck with their kids. The neighbors (or even aunts and uncles) who knew us so well they didn't think twice about yelling at us or smacking us on the behind when we deserved it. The "extra" set of parents we often wished we didn't have -- but look back today and are so grateful we did.

This past weekend the mother of 3 of hubby's childhood friends died. We went to visitation last night and the funeral today. We made it work around our work schedule. I was able to work from home and get some online work done before the funeral and lots of editing and proofing afterwards.

It wasn't that I even knew the family that well. I just wanted to be there for Jim, who, in turn, wanted to be there for the "boys" -- who now stand well above 6 feet tall but still love and need their mom.

It was a nice service and luncheon and we were both glad we could be there. Since today is my father-in-law's birthday, it made both Jim and I especially grateful that we both have both our parents still alive and kicking. Sometimes more alive than kicking, but alive and with us nonetheless.

And I imagine we still have a few sets of "extra" parents around, too, that wouldn't think twice (even today) about smacking us on the behind if we needed it! We love you for that.

And thanks.

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