Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Please Stand By

I feel like I'm having a few of those work days where a sign should be illuminated above my desk stating: Technical Difficulties. Please Stand By.

This morning, I told hubby we better go do our weekly weigh-in and BP check early because my blood pressure was rising by the minute! It was still plenty normal so I caught it just in time. Saying the Serenity Prayer a few times also helped. (As usual.)

I did not have time to take a lunch break and go running or anything to create those happy endorphins. So after work, I was still a bit on edge.

I had to run some errands in town and, I'll admit, when I drove by Culver's and saw that Mint Brownie was the Flavor of the Day, I just about stopped. Hey, no one was with me. No one would be any wiser, right?

Well, I would know. And, God, of course. So I stayed on track and wisely kept my eyes on the road. Honest!

This evening, since the guys were gone to batting practice, I dialed into an informational call about a 5-day cleansing program designed to rid your body of some toxins and its desire for sugar and carbs.

Not sure I'm going to invest in that, but it's a good reminder to stop for a minute, tell everything else in your life to "Please Stand By" while you assess your health (or non-health), your stressors, etc.

Needless to say, I found a few. I don't think I need to cleanse my body of toxins as much as I need to cleanse my house and life of toxic clutter. Seriously.

I know I get into this frame of mind after every visit to my parents' house. God bless them, but they just love to hang onto things. Everything. The problem is, if you don't keep an eye on it and control it, it can start to squeeze you out of your home, surface by surface, room by room.

I don't want to be like that.

I see it quietly accumulating and suddenly we're in our house 10 years and I'm like "Where the bleep did this all come from?? It's not like I'm buying things all the time!"

It scares me. If you've ever seen the TV show Hoarders, you know why. Can we children of Depression-era parents break the cycle?

I have confidence we can. Heck, if I can drive past a mint ice cream sign, I think I've got the power to do just about anything, don't you?

Let the spring cleaning, er, life cleansing, begin.

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