Thursday, March 31, 2011

Silence of the Lambs

Other than the few inches of snow predicted tonight, it appears March is going out like a lamb.

I just can't believe the month is over already. Time to start a new month -- and a few other things I hope are as pleasant as lambs.

Let's start with my new location... When I got back to the office today, I discovered my computer had been moved to a new desk. We knew it was coming. I was just a day behind moving my "stuff" since I was out yesterday.

Remember what I said about spring cleansing? Today was a good day to get rid of some stuff before moving it to my new area. This might be a 2-day process since I did have to get work done, too. I'm just glad I'm sitting by a window now. I'll be daydreaming about golf and maybe even baseball...

Today was the start of the MLB season, too. Opening day for most teams but my Twins don't play until tomorrow. Usually baseball would start the first Monday in April but I think they got tired of competing for headlines with the Final Four. Seriously, you know it has to be about money!

As Carter's Spring Break draws to a close, I told him we could do something together this evening while Dad locks himself in the computer room and does his fantasy baseball draft. We decided on a movie and I decided to introduce him to another classic from the '80s. This time we watched Back to the Future. No, I am not trying to brainwash him -- between that and the sunglasses -- and yes, he enjoyed the movie. Hey, we could have gone with the March "lamb" theme and seen a nasty thriller. I opted for an action comedy and hope that's a sign of good things to come.

Of course, we'd prefer more action than comedy when it comes to our baseball teams. Go Twins!

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