Friday, April 1, 2011

Fooling Around

What's the old saying? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me?

I make it a point not to get fooled on April 1st -- which means I have to be on my guard around even those unsuspecting characters. I also make it a point on April 1st to try to fool at least one person.

This year, Carter was my victim.

I knew based on routine this week, that Carter would call me around 9:30 or 10 right after he rolled out of bed. Usually before he eats anything or even has a chance to watch much TV. So I figured I could fool him with some devastating sports news -- if I made it sound believable.

When he called, I asked if he'd seen the big story on SportsCenter yet. He said no. I told him Ray Allen (one of his favorite Celtics) was retiring immediately so he could go out on top after securing the 3-pointer record and winning last night. Carter was shocked and not happy.

Don't worry. I wasn't going to push it until he cried or anything. He was surprised when I said, "April Fool's!" Then woke up a bit more and started plotting his own joke.

In the afternoon, he went over to play with the girls next door. Before he left he put some peanut butter on his shoe. When he got there, he said something like, "Oh no! I stepped in dog poop!" Then proceeded to lick some of the tasty "poop" off his shoe!

Knowing how squeamish Carter can get, they pretty much suspected right away it couldn't be the real deal. At least he tried!

Now I am hoping that I actually am the butt of an April Fool's joke -- because I don't want this to be true...

The Twins are playing their first game of the season at Toronto. Of course, it's not on TV HERE so I have to follow it on the computer. A few minutes ago they were down 10-zip. Yes, 10! Must be the computer playing a joke, right?

I wore my Joe Mauer jersey all day today for good luck. But apparently it is too early in the season for my karma to reach long distances -- especially without a passport. Grrr. At least they are on the board now in the 7th inning and rallying!

Don't worry. Even if we don't rally all the way back, I am not foolish enough to think this is a bad sign for the rest of the season. It just means we've got nowhere to go but up!

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