Thursday, April 28, 2011

Twisted Sister

Someone said today they figured Mother Nature was going through menopause. Totally makes sense to me -- moody, unpredictable, prone to unpredictable fits of rage and well, everything but the hot flashes (in the Midwest anyway).

And as much as we've all been complaining lately, I will take these cold, snowy and rainy April days any time over deadly twisters like those that ravaged the South yesterday. How tragic and scary.

So I need to not worry about how many times we've added and crossed off baseball games and practices on our calendar this month. At least we still have a house to sit in when the rain is pouring outside.

Except tonight. Since it is only a light rain and Coach Austin has had to cancel so many practices, he's got his team out there right now. Though I suspect that since it is dark out -- and the NFL draft is on TV -- they'll be home from practice any minute.

Then Jim can dump Carter off and head to Stevens Point to meet up with some former fellow newspaper Sports Guys to watch the draft. Of course, they were up late last night "drafting" their draft picks so they can see which guys get drafted first. If they pick the right ones, they'll get some money, naturally. I mean sports isn't all just fun and games, is it?

I think I'll just catch the highlights of the draft tomorrow and avoid the tragic images on The Weather Channel. There's a new Grey's tonight.

And I've got the remote.

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