Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Scrapbook

And now, our "spring sports" -- Easter egg hunting, birthday present opening and baseball!

And they're off! My grand-nephew Anthony gets a running start in the annual Hedberg Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday.

Hostess Raylene should have the inside scoop on where the goodies are hidden -- but she had to hunt like the rest of us!

Carter checks out a treat bag found in one of many good hiding spots!

My nephew Zach and hubby Jim talk strategy.

Yes, there is more than one picture-taker in my family! My brother Ron had to break in his new camera!

Romey searches the pines -- which match her jacket, doncha think?

Caryn, Angie, Carter and Anthony show off their full treat bags!

Surprise, Carter! It's almost your birthday! (I saved the Twins stuff for MY birthday in a few months!)

Smile, Mr. Teenager!

What's not to love about a funny card with real money??

Mom gets to wear his clothes if he outgrows them (ha).

In her free time, Renell plays the Easter bunny (or Playboy bunny?). I'm thinking Easter bunny since this was a family event!

Don't mess with this bunny, honey!

Tried to get a picture of the two 7th-graders and naturally, they both immediately stand on their tippy-toes to get taller than the other one! (I don't think Carter will ever catch Anthony!)

Nothing says "Happy Easter" like Beef Jerky -- at least in Carter's opinion.

Yes, I've got him hooked on an '80s classic... I will get this, too, when he outgrows it (ha).

From Monday's Assumption Middle School baseball game... Carter waits in right field for some action.
He's #6 this year for no apparent reason -- other than this was the last jersey left!

Carter keeps an eye on the pitcher as he contemplates a steal.

He edges a little further from the plate. Unfortunately, the batter go out so Carter did not get a chance to make his way around the bases and score. Next time, hopefully!

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