Saturday, April 16, 2011

Running the Rapids

Race Day Journal...

8 a.m.- It's race day! Time to get moving! Hubby: "Don't look out the window."

I looked. Dang.

8:03 a.m. -- C'mon, Carter, get up! It's race day. (Silently thinking, please don't look out the window.) Carter: "Oh I'm so tired. I should have watched Rocky last night to get motivated."

8:10 a.m.- Eat our light power breakfast of peanut butter toast and a banana.

8:30 a.m.- Bundle up enough to be warm but not too weighted down. It's 32 degrees with windchill of 26, but the wind is not blowing like yesterday so that is a blessing. I get to wear my lucky winter Twins hat one more time!
9:40 a.m.- Pre-race photos courtesy of Jim, who came arrived in time to be team photographer and cheerleader!

9:42 a.m.- Interview with the local newspaper. I'm not kidding! It was so fun being on the other side of an interview for a change. We were just picked at random. I didn't tell her I was an ex-reporter but made sure to give her good quotes. Carter did, too! We'll let you know if we make the paper!

9:45 a.m.- One more picture with the neighborhood crew!

10 a.m. - And we're off! The snow stopped just in time for the start of the Run The Rapids race, which included more than 450 runners and walkers. Great turnout for the child-abuse prevention event!

10:02 a.m.- "Mom, how long have we been running?" Oh boy.

Since Carter did not get much training time in recent weeks due to baseball practice, we set out to do a run/walk. Run for 5 minutes, walk for 30 seconds, then run for 5, etc. I figured we could easily finish in less than 40 minutes and really, really hoped we could finish in 36 minutes, which would be an average of 12-minute miles. I had to be part Tiger Mom, part Supportive, Caring Mom and part Running Coach.

It all balanced out. We ended up walking way more than planned, but I did not want him to be in pain. "I'm gonna die." "No, you're not!" I did not want this to be a completely miserable experience. But yet, wanted to push him enough so we could finish.

10:30 a.m.- We can see the finish line way downriver. "Carter, you're doing great! I think we can finish in 36 minutes!"

10:32 a.m.- "We're almost there! C'mon Carter! Let's finish strong!" (Praying silently that he has enough energy left to sprint a bit and finish ahead of me!)

10:34:41 a.m.- We did it!! High fives! Fist pumps! "I'm so proud of you, kiddo!"

11:30 a.m.- Awards ceremony. We mainly hung around so we could see final results and see if we knew any of the winners. I was so focused on getting Carter through the race that I didn't know how many kids were in his age group (12 & under). So we were so surprised when they called his name for second place! Awesome! More high fives! More fist pumps!

11:40 a.m.- Me: So what did you think? Carter: "It wasn't so bad. I mean I can say that now that I didn't die or anything." I think we've got him hooked.

11:58 a.m.- "I'm taking my victory shower!"

You deserve it!

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