Sunday, April 24, 2011

Son Rise

It's totally appropriate that on Easter -- the day we celebrate the rising of God's Son -- that we also were lucky to have God's warm sun rise as well... and hang around all day.

It was the perfectly typical Easter Sunday -- and I loved it.

Due to our late arrival home last night, Carter was not up at the crack of dawn looking for his basket. He slept in until 9, found his basket in 2 seconds (uncreative, tired bunny, I guess) and then asked for breakfast.

Even with all those eggs we found yesterday, I still didn't make eggs for breakfast. Did up some blueberry pancakes and sausage and those stuck to our ribs for the day. Went to late church, spotted a few Easter bonnets, plenty of pastel and even experienced some vocal praising atypical of us Lutherans ("He is risen indeed!").

After church, Jim and Carter cleaned the garage out a bit, swapping the snowblower for the lawn mower in the coveted easy-access spot. Let's hope we didn't make this move too soon.

I went for a 3-mile run in the sun, then, seeing that it was as close to 60 as it was going to get, I reacquainted myself with the deck chair. He missed me, I'm sure of it!

Only got about 25 minutes out there before heading to the in-laws for Easter dinner. Small crowd this year so Carter got to sit at the "big table." He even cleaned his plate like a big boy! Not sure when Easter started rivaling Thanksgiving on the overstuffed, full feeling... but it is darn close. Ugh. Such good food. But oh so full.

I'm sure while we were out, Sylvester just ran from open window to open window, catching her rays of sun. (She and I were twins in a previous life.) I wanted to take her picture when she was stretched out on in the window, sunning her belly but then hubby said, "Well you know how you feel when someone takes your picture when you're sitting in the sun." Enough said. I'll leave her alone. Though I sure hope we get a lot more photo opportunities like it.

I loved celebrating the Son and the sun today.

And my deck chair and I still have so much more to talk about...

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