Friday, April 8, 2011

Get Out of Town!

Dateline Green Bay. Just had to type that because it means we are hours from home... without child.

Not that we don't miss him. But it is nice to have husband-wife time now and then.

We dropped off Carter at his old sitter's on our way to work this morning. Since I am out of town this weekend, he will have to be the helper at her garage sale this year. So he is helping by day and they give him a bed to sleep on at night. And I still get to keep all the profits.

Great arrangement, don't ya think?

Seriously, we do appreciate they are willing and able to keep Carter under their wings and that Jim's sister can check up on the cat. Because it's neat to see our friends take this step forward in their love lives!

We had to work this morning but got out of there around noon so we could check into the hotel here around 2 and Jim could join "the guys" at 2:30 to go get their tuxes and then head to rehearsal.

What did I do during all this? Put my feet up and watched The Masters, of course! Was also able to keep tabs on the Twins, who won their home opener!

I drove one of the other "wedding party widows" to the rehearsal dinner. Had a great meal and it was cool to meet the other folks in the wedding.

While we had fun, yes, don't think that I neglected to check in with Carter, who informed me he has only spent a dollar so far at the sale, but he has his eye on an antique check-cutting machine of some sort that "will some day be worth tons and tons of money!"

Oh boy. Maybe being hours away from home is not such a good thing!

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