Saturday, April 9, 2011

Title Town

The only time you'll hear a Vikings fan call Green Bay "Title Town" is when we have a special situation like today -- when we saw our friend Sandy change her title from Miss to Mrs. when she married our friend Scott.

And yes, it took place in Green Bay.

In fact, the ceremony was in a little church at Heritage Hill State Park, a place Carter visited on a field trip back in 3rd or 4th grade. We squeezed in as many people as we could for the ceremony. We figured they'd have to turn some people away, but thankfully, I'm sleeping with the handsome usher in the tux so I got a good seat.

We felt so special in our fancy clothes!

After the ceremony, it was picture time. And yes, that included a stop at Lambeau Field. Ugh. I did have Jim take my picture so I can show my dad, who unlikely will ever get there. Then I made sure I called my sister Renell, the Packer fan, and said "Hi from Lambeau Field!"

When I called Carter and said the same thing, he just sort of groaned and wondered if they MADE us go there. Ha. That's my boy!

Had a wonderful evening at the reception and dance, catching up with old "newspaper friends" I haven't seen in ages, plus seeing some people from my current workplace. Had some good laughs and some good dances, too! There's just something about wedding dances that gets everyone moving! My feet are gonna be killing me in the morning, but it was well worth it. We had a wonderful time...

But really can't wait to get out of this town in the morning!

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