Monday, January 6, 2014

Cold Cuts

Igloo-sive Coverage: Had to laugh when my nephew posted this on Facebook today. No, not at the temperature and windchill (that's serious business), but the igloo icon. I guess the weather app calculated that Wisconsin was now part of Alaska or the North Pole.

Chilling Details: It was seriously an arctic blast today as predicted. I hated to venture out, but Mondays are not an ideal day to miss work. It's our deadline day and our main magazine goes to print. So we need all hands on deck! Whether gloved or not. When I got to work, the outside temp was -22 and the windchill was -42. Inside our office it was a balmy 56 degrees. Trust me, the long underwear and extra layers plus stocking cap were a good call. I had them on all day.

Give and Take: The cold office (which will be fixed by the end of the week) was not a good environment for my bronchitis so I am working from home tomorrow just to give it one more day to hopefully disappear. I did figure out how to get rid of it. Give it to your spouse. Well that's what seems to have happened. And no, I did not do it on purpose. I tried to avoid him and Carter but I should have taken it one step further and slept on the couch or something. I feel bad every time I hear Jim cough.

Snow Days: We are hoping Carter does not get sick now, too. He had a snow day today and tomorrow they will have one, too. That takes care of the two built-in days. Any more and it extends the school year. I hope it isn't planning on snowing too much in the next 3 months. Right. While Carter is happy about getting to sleep in and stay home, he is a bit anxious that they are only going to have a 3-day school week to prepare for next week's semester 1 finals. Yeah, that didn't cross my mind either. Glad he's paying attention. And cares.

Nose Job: I have a new favorite find for fighting colds -- or their effects anyway. Puff's tissues with lotion AND Vicks! I just sniff the tissue all day to get my Vicks fix. It helps the sinuses, seriously. Yesterday, Jim said he couldn't stand the smell. I wonder if he'll change his tune now that he needs them! If I am willing to share, that is.

Stay healthy and warm, my friends!

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