Friday, January 3, 2014

Liquid Diet

Where do you put someone who is dying of bronchitis?

In a cough-in!

Real funny when you are not experiencing it.

After a rough night, I wisely worked from home today so I wouldn't be spreading my germs. I even kept my distance from hubby in the office next door.

Until lunch. He went out and got me (us) some homemade Potato Dumpling Soup from the little cafe down the road. Good stuff. In fact, I was on a liquid diet most of the day, just to keep my throat hydrated.

One thing I have discovered: I hate the taste of salt water! But I am following doctor's orders and gargling often. Ick!

The combination of all that plus the anti-coughing pills seemed to help. I made it through the work day but wisely stayed home this evening instead of going with Jim to the boys basketball game. Carter had to work and I just stayed on the couch and got my DVR'd Christmas movie list down to six!

The hacking returned in full force when the sun went down. Maybe I am part vampire and should sleep in a cough-in! Either way, I am not going to whine since I know a ton of people are suffering through colds and flu and the general seasonal crud.

Hope you all feel better!

I can tell you that Christmas movies do make me feel better, but not as good as some extra-strength cough syrup!

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