Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Call of Nature

When I hear Nature calling, I don't head for the nearest restroom. I answer by picking up my camera and seeing what Nature has to say.

Well, in today's instance, my "camera" phone.

We have a couple of enclosed courtyards at work that are great places to sit outside for a nice lunch in the summer time. Anyone care to join me for an "iced" coffee break today?

You can see the 10 inches of snow they got Tuesday just piled up nicely, like icing on a cake. It probably tastes like cake and ice cream all rolled into one. Needless to say, I did not venture closer to find out. Did not have my hip boots with today!

I noticed a few times on my way to the fitness center during lunch hours that there is brood of big ol' turkeys right by the road on our work grounds or across the street. Today, since there was no traffic coming either way and the birds were joined by "deer" friends, I pulled out onto the highway, put down the window and snapped a few shots.

It must be 5 o'clock somewhere 'cause things are getting WILD in Iola! Isn't that crazy? Totally tops having the tractors slowing up traffic on Main Street during the summer.

I was in such a jovial mood about winter scenery, I neglected to see what was heading our way this afternoon. So without any choice, I had to venture home in snow, wind and freezing drizzle. Took me an hour and 15 minutes to get to Rapids, where I had to make a quick stop at school. Normally 55 minutes to an hour will do.

Went home and got hubby and we went back to school for a meeting tonight for sophomore parents needing to register their children for junior year classes. I am still in denial about words like "ACT tests" and "college credits." But they are becoming more real and more important.

This week is Finals Week so the whole testing and grade business has already been top of mind. Yesterday, Carter didn't have any finals but still went to school to study all day during normal school hours. Today he knocked off 3 finals -- and got to go to Rocky's for lunch -- and will have his final 3 tomorrow. So far, he's only felt really good about one of them. But you never know with that kid.

At the meeting tonight, the principal, who is also Carter's religion teacher, made a point of telling us that Carter wrote a very good essay on "Wisdom." Since he used my computer to write it, I found it when we got home. He'd kill me if I shared any of it. But let's just say there are days he acts like an irresponsible little kid -- and there are days when he is wise beyond his years.

If he truly believes half of what he is writing, Nature (a.k.a. God) will call him to do good things. That will be more fun to watch than turkeys and deer!

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