Sunday, January 12, 2014

Defrosting at Forty

You know what brings a smile to my face after another night of coughing? Seeing the sun shine... and feeling it!

Forty degrees in January is like no-jacket-required weather. Not quite warm enough to bring out Mr. Deck Chair from hibernation, but mild enough for a major outdoor project.

And I mean major.

At a glance, can you guess how many Diet Cokes exploded in our garage refrigerator during the recent Polar Vortex?

What a stinking -- or sticky, I should say -- mess. Somehow I drew the short straw for this one. In a moment of weakness, I agreed when hubby asked yesterday, "So, do you want to clean toilets or the fridge out in the garage?" I hadn't seen the fridge, only knew of the explosions, so I said yes to that.


Thankfully, I wasn't freezing my butt off because it did take awhile! Now it's good to go until the next Polar Vortex swoops down from the North Pole.

Since it was so nice out, I did get a pleasant non-treadmill, outdoor walk in as well. For indoor fun, we watched some of the football games, played cards and did some work.

Still have to turn on my blanket tonight. The warm spell is over and we'll be getting some freezing drizzle in time for my morning commute. More slushy mess.

At least this time it's outside of the garage!

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