Friday, September 12, 2014

A.D.Deep Thoughts

I used to love watching Saturday Night Live and chuckling over "Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey." Always so stupid, you had to laugh.

Well, I did anyway. I guess I could identify with the randomness of it. But then again, was it random or perhaps just a touch of A.D.D.? I can identify with that, too. Give me a minute of free time, and the committee in my head discusses some pretty strange stuff. Not deep by any means.

A.D.Deep Thought #1: This morning, when hubby informed me that Sylvester woke him up at 4:15 a.m. and he couldn't fall back to sleep, I knew it was my fault. Why?

I suspect our cat not only has 9 lives but a 6th sense as well. Last night, as I occasionally do, I dreamt about getting a puppy because, well, I do want one in "real life" after the cat dies. Of natural causes, mind you. So I had a puppy dream and she retaliates with an early morning wake-up call.

Is it my fault she only goes on "Daddy's" side of the bed? She never bats my face and gets ME to move over!

A.D.Deep Thought #2: It has been freezing at my office this week. When the temperature dips in the 40s at night, the building just can't recover. At least our quadrant. So they allow us to have space heaters, which they have on hand in bulk because they confiscated them all years ago, claiming they are a fire hazard. Should I be concerned they'd rather hand us the proverbial "match" instead of fixing the heat? This could be a long winter.

By the way, hubby says his office is never cold. Blah, blah, blah, Mr. Work From Home!

A.D.Deep Thought #3: I have been trying to run (with some walking) every other day. Today was a run day. It was 43 degrees and about to rain. I had my long-sleeved running shirt and running tights in my workout bag, I just needed the inspiration to GO. I finally did, figuring that I would work up a sweat and be warm in the office.

Tonight, though, I decided not to go to the Assumption football game because it was too cold and rainy and I knew we'd have to stand outside in the cold (hopefully no rain) for at least 4 hours tomorrow for cross country. I didn't want to make myself sick. But Jim and Carter (who has to compete tomorrow) are there.

Am I wimpy or practical or just plain selfish? Not sure, but I did enjoy some popcorn in my warm and dry living room while watching a condensed version of last Sunday's Vikings game (and win)!

P.S. It is still drizzling, the temperature is about to break into the 30s, and AHS is down 55-0. Wimpy, practical, selfish... glad I stayed home. Just wish I had some truly deep thoughts to share. Maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow!

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