Monday, September 8, 2014

Random Acts of Monday-ness

You know it's going to be a good Monday when you get to work and there is a Starbucks gift bag on your desk.

Looking inside, I found a nice coffee mug and a gift card – but no note from the gifter. Hmmm... I've heard of Secret Santas before, but didn't know there were Secret Starbuckers.

I immediately thought of my friend and co-worker Toni, who occasionally surprises me with a cappuccino or latte from McDonald's. I figured shes knows I like good coffee so this has her written all over it. When I asked her if she was the kind soul, she said it was a nice gesture, but she couldn't take credit.

If not her, then who?

Do people actually perform Random Acts of Kindness and not expect credit? I'm sure they do, but as a former newspaper reporter, I couldn't let it rest. I had to investigate and determine the source.

The obvious question is who have I been so nice to they'd want to reciprocate? I wish I could tell you the list was long, but I was drawing a blank. I did leave some "Random" gifts a month or so ago to 3 co-workers. I thought maybe they figured it out and were paying me back. Then I was thinking of another friend who walked/ran with me at lunch last week and we enjoyed a very good talk. I was just about to ask her, when I figured it out.

I forgot about the co-worker who was gushing over me last week because I designed a guestbook for her daughter's upcoming wedding. She had already paid me for the book and I certainly didn't ask for any payment for my work. I volunteered to help her because, well, I just have this thing about trying to do creative stuff!

When I emailed her to see if she was my Secret Starbucks Sistah, she replied, "You're not only beautiful, you're smart!"

That, my friends, is how a not-so-random act of kindness can make someone's day! I challenge each of you to give it a try this week.

A little kindness goes a long way. Especially when it's caffeinated!

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