Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Born Identity

The irony of foreign travel is that typically you are so excited to reach the destination, you can't help but smile. Yet our passport photos make us look like we are angry at the world. (Or maybe a serious secret spy like Jason Bourne in the movies?)

Carter got to experience this process this week.

We got his passport pictures taken Thursday, filled out the passport application Sunday and dropped it off at the courthouse today, swearing on oath that everything about his "born identity" was true. Oh, and that his photo (smiling or no) was an accurate likeness of him. He swore it was.

And my fellow parents of teenagers will tell you that yep, that's a face we all can identify now and then! In fact, I wonder if the picture-takers tell them to "think of your mom and dad." Hmm...

Either way, the application is done and on its way, and Carter is one step closer to going to Germany!  Wunderbar!!

While his trip to Germany to see Lukas and experience HIS world is some 278 days (but who's counting), the Assumption group going over there is getting this passport business taken care of this fall. Carter, however, is applying earlier because there is an outside chance he may be going sooner. Don't want to jinx it with details, but please pray or at least cross your fingers that he will be chosen for this golden opportunity. More to come.

Either way, he is traveling to Germany before he is 18 years old ... and Dad and I just got our first passports 2 years ago!!

That should make him smile.  :)


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