Sunday, September 28, 2014

Back on the Grid

I wasn't planning to go off the grid during the entire Wild Women's Weekend, but when you are staying in a place like this, it just calls to you: Un-wind and Un-wire.

It was too nice to stay inside all three-plus days, but it served us 7 sisters well.

We were all "on deck" by mid-afternoon on Thursday -- on the shore of big Beaver Dam Lake in southeast Wisconsin. Yup, we road-tripped to a town not necessarily known as a tourist trap, but that was fine. It was within driving distance of other places that are!

Had perfect weather and, as they say, a good time was had by all. I took some interesting photos to share but unfortunately, Carter has a zillion hours of homework this weekend and has commandeered my computer.

I will have to share a scrapbook of sorts tomorrow, with photos that passed the Top Secret Security team inspection.

In the meantime, unwind, un-wire and enjoy a sunrise on the lake...

1 comment: said...

Beautiful pictures! What a cool place you guys rented!