Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Well... That's Over

When I looked at the calendar today and saw it is the official start of autumn,  I felt cheated. I just didn't feel like I had a summer. Am I the only one?

Part of it was the fact that we were still wearing winter hats and gloves at baseball games through May, and were quite bundled up at a few in June, too. The "feeling" of summer got started so late I didn't get a chance to embrace it before it was hoodie time.

Not that I don't love hoodie time... or colorful trees... or bonfires with friends...

I just want a little more time in the sun. Mr. Deck Chair does, too.

I do like Maxine's concept that leg shaving season is over. But I would be willing to extend that season with no whining. I'm just that dedicated. Truly.

They do say time flies when you are having fun so perhaps the cool and crappy weather wasn't the only reason summer felt like a fleeting moment. We packed a lot into it. Heck, I was everywhere from Wyoming to Cincinnati. And that included a handful of trips north of Highway 8. Throw in a couple weddings and birthdays, and we were busy.

Guess maybe if I would have taken time to sit and relax and enjoy summer, parting wouldn't be such sweet sorrow.

I can still make some of it up. Mr. Deck Chair and me, well, we are just that dedicated.


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