Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Perfect Game

In a "perfect game" of baseball, none of the opponents reach base and their score is zero. In a "perfect game" of bowling, none of the pins remain standing and the score is 300.

I must have had better than a perfect game last night as my score was 303!!

Oh wait, that was over 3 games. I guess that doesn't count. There were other parts of the evening that did turn out perfect, though.

About 40 of us gathered at a Green Bay bowling alley to surprise our friend Scott's wife, Sandy, for her 40th birthday (which is actually still a week away). Now we had just golfed with them 2 weeks ago and had to keep our big mouths shut about seeing them "soon." We succeeded.

And so did everyone else invited. She was utterly shocked. The surprise birthday party "game" was perfect!

It was like a reunion of the wedding party from a few years back. Got to see family and friends of theirs and it was a good time. Besides beer and pizza, there was bowling, too.

Moonlight bowling.

Very cool throwing the ball via blacklights and disco lights and loud dance music. I could not see the "arrows" or "lanes" to aim for on the alley, but that didn't really affect my awful game! I actually did slightly better in the dark and brought my average up to 101. Whoo-hoo! Any time I break 100, I'm a happy bowler!

We were out way past my bedtime and got to bed at Scott and Sandy's around 2 a.m. Had pondered golfing today but it was cold, windy and rainy. When we got back to Rapids in the early afternoon, though, it was clear at least. Hubby went golfing with his dad and sister and I went to book club.

This month we discussed Defending Jacob by William Landay. Very interesting read, especially as a parent. It begs the question how far we would go to protect our children whether they did something wrong or we're just not sure if they did. And, a good discussion on how well we know our children compared to their friends, their enemies and anyone who is closer to them on social media than we are. A good read.

When I got home, Carter, who had stayed at a friend's house last night while we were out of town, had a surprise for us. His friend's mom made a fresh apple pie. All we had to do was bake it. To me, that called for a special trip to the store to get some Cinnamon Bun ice cream – perfect for warm apple pie ala mode.

Wow. That was a yummy way to cap off a great weekend! Perfect, in fact.

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