Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hump Day Headlinez

Double Date:  Hubby and I had a double-date tonight with our friends Gregg and Lori. Gregg and Jim graduated from AHS together a few years back. Sure, we all live in Rapids, but do we see each other? No. Last year, when they buried a classmate, they vowed the class of '81 and their spouses would get together more often. Better late than never, I guess. It was a very nice evening with longtime friends. And, as a bonus, they have excellent thin-crust pizza!

License to Drive: I can't believe it's been a year today since Carter got his driver's license. Who knew he'd be starting out with my well-used Honda Civic and upgrade to a Camaro by prom time? Good thing that was short-lived. He still has a second speaker to install on his Civic (now that the weather is nice). At least we know the gas pedal works since he's gotten caught for speeding (at least once). I will say it sure has been convenient not to have to chauffeur him around everywhere. Not that he doesn't deserve that!

Speaking of Prom: Got the official prom portrait this week. Dang. Those two look so grown-up and beautiful, don't they? I tell you, between photos like this and college campus visits, I am starting to realize there is another man living under my roof. Attempting to stay in denial, but that's not changing anything. So glad Carter and his friend Gracie had as much fun as the photo portrays. They're good KIDS.

We be Jammin': Got my "Seascape" Jams on today. Just sharing the photo now so that when I invite you to my June Jamberry Nails party, you say, "Why yes! I want what she has!" They are really fun and easy to do. I mean, seriously, even a tomboy like me can put on her princess pants and do this myself. Don't worry, we'll teach you. Just mark your calendar for 5 weeks from tonight. With more pretty details to come...

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