Thursday, May 28, 2015

Plan B?

It's only when you have a plan and it falls through that you label said plan, Plan A, knowing you now need a Plan B. If you planned Ahead, you're in business. If not, you need a Backup plan. Stat.

That would be me right now.

Let me backtrack so you know I really was planning ahead. And it was a good plan...

Last year I attended a graduation party for our neighbor Sam at a beautiful enclosed shelter at nearby Nepco Lake. I knew right then I wanted to have Carter's Graduation Party there... kitchen, tables and chairs included, plenty of room, heat and A/C depending on May weather, beautiful scenery outside and 5 minutes from home in case of emergencies.

The one caveat, though, is that you cannot reserve a county park building until one year in advance of your date. For months, I've been keeping May 28 in the back of my mind, knowing this is the day I have to call the park office to reserve if for May 28, 2016, the day of Carter's graduation and party. That way I could have the party right after the morning ceremony so my family could travel down and take in both without having to spend a whole weekend.

I had it all planned out.

Except for the part where someone else in his class could have a mother with the same plan in mind.

When I called the office today and she said it was already booked, I responded with kind of a loud, "Are you kidding me?! Who is it? It has to be another Assumption family." She couldn't tell me who reserved it but did say it was for a graduation party. Ugh. She also informed me that it was reserved yesterday and, before I could protest, said the person reserved it for both May 27 and 28 next year. Hmm... So they are spending an extra couple hundred dollars just to decorate the day before?? In the back of my mind, I suspect the person will cancel Friday and only "said" Friday to get that first call in.

Of course, that's just me being bitter. And feeling foolish for not having a Plan B.

Still going to have it on May 28. Just would rather avoid the tent setup, locating tables and chairs, making over the garage, praying for perfect weather and all that.

So I am moving onto Plan H. As in HELP! Any suggestions from my local readers? Ideally enclosed, close by in Grand Rapids and with a kitchen or fridge. Tables and chairs would be nice, too. Does Kiwanis have that and do you have to be a member to rent it?

If nothing else, we've got 366 days to make this work on Blue Jay Drive. The good news is next year is a leap year so we get an extra day! Thank God for small favors.


Unknown said...

Y Camp? This website lists rates for a weekend of camping, but I'm sure you can rent just the hall for a day. Might be worth a phone call.

Robyn Austin said...

Thanks. I'll check it out!