Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Back to Clazzzzz....

Remember in kindergarten when we got to unfold our plastic mats and lay down for a nap each afternoon? That was such a great "activity." Why did we stop doing that?

This week I am sitting in on some all-day training with some other new employees. I am reminded of my college days when would sit in 8 a.m. classes and just fight to stay awake!

I had a bad schedule one semester where an 8 a.m. extended-period Philosophy class was back to back with an extended-period Psychology class. Ohmigosh. Thank goodness it was in a big lecture hall so I didn't call attention to myself (and thank goodness there were no camera phones back then!). I would start taking notes and even in my sleep, I kept taking them, with my handwriting getting smaller and smaller and eventually going off the page. No wonder it was so hard to study for tests!

Today, I learned that 2 p.m. is my wall.

And I hit it hard!

Even our trainer  / lecturer recognized that all of us were not used to sitting in class all day and forced a mid-afternoon break when he was greeted by 10 sets of zombie eyes. At least I wasn't the only one. I guess we'll see how we do on the test at the end of the week.

The content itself is very interesting and extremely valuable to my new job. So I WANT to be alert and learning it. I just might need to hit the caffeine earlier and more often. Uff da.

In the meantime, I'll follow the advice I give Carter during the school year. "You gotta get enough sleep if you are going to be worth anything tomorrow!"

Pretty sure my nice soft bed and a good book can get me started in that direction...

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