Monday, August 24, 2015

Lasts Shall Be First

The emotional day has arrived. It was Carter's LAST first day of school – as far as this scrapbooking momma goes. I mean, I could take a picture his first day of college next year, but then he'd never come home again!

Assumption high schoolers started today and the seniors did not have to report until 10 a.m. so that was nice. Except I had to take my "lunch break" at 9:30 a.m. to run home and get the all-important photo! If you can't read the sign, it says "278 days until graduation!"

Uff da.

Every time I think time is going fast, it starts to go even faster! I was warned by other parents about this, but I guess I have been in denial. Now we have come to the first "last."

This will be the year of a lot of LASTs – from athletic competitions to band concerts to having Carter home for every little holiday and birthday. OK, now I might cry.

Of course, this will also be our last year of serving as his personal alarm clock and dragging his butt out of bed. He did get up on his own this morning, but how hard it that when you get 8 hours of sleep AND you start school mid-morning? We'll see how it goes this year.

His schedule is not super easy. He's got his 5th year of German, 6th year (counting junior high) of band, some good ol' calculus, statistics and physics, some non-favorites – English and religion – and I think creative writing. Not sure but it's a full load so we can expect more late nights and grumpy mornings. But enough about me...

Seriously, I hope he treasures these last two Royal semesters and makes the most of them. I know in his mind, especially after senior pictures yesterday, he is already ready to move on. Guess I'll have to hold him hostage in my arms a little bit longer...

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