Friday, August 28, 2015

Raining, er Reigning, Royals

What do you get when you add Friday Night Lights with Umbrellas and Loyal Fans? Royal Football!

Tonight we hosted Thorp on our home turf. I was subbing in for a gentleman who wasn't able to sell admission tickets. I was prepared with a warm sweatshirt and rain coat and umbrella. Thankfully someone brought in one of those little pop-up canvas tent things so as least I could keep myself, the rosters and the money dry!

My view was what you see above. Lots of fans with umbrellas and a soggily blurry view of the field. I could hear the announcer, though, and he was busy!

Just like last week, we rolled over the competition. We're talking final score: Assumption 56, Thorp 0. (That's us scoring 105 points in 2 games and our opponents scoring none!) A long ride home for the Thorpedoes (or whatever their nickname is).

I admit I did not stay for the whole game. After standing 2 hours, when my shift was done and we no longer needed to sell tickets, I grabbed my umbrella and headed home. At that point, there would have been no dry place to sit AND it wasn't a close game where I needed to cheer extra loud for a win.

Plus, I had some freelance work to do. I already know tomorrow will be booked up with golf in the DRY, SUNNY weather (attention, Mother Nature) so I wanted to make some headway tonight. Took a break after the game was done to hang out with some of the Royal parents. Now it is off to bed before midnight so we get plenty of rest for a fun-filled, golf-filled day tomorrow.

Hope Mother Nature cooperates!!

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