Saturday, August 1, 2015

Family Ties :: Part One

Call me lazy or just plain old, but I can't stay up until midnight dancing on a Friday and expect to stay up until midnight on Saturday just to blog. So I am breaking up this incredible 24-hour family time into two blogs. Part 1 is Friday's gorgeous wedding in Minneapolis and Part 2 will be today's wonderful family reunion.

First, the venue...

We had Friday afternoon off so Jim, Carter and I could get to Minneapolis by 4 p.m. to help with a little setup for my niece Beth's wedding. The ceremony, reception and dance and were held downtown at the Mill City Museum.

You wouldn't even know you were in the middle of a city because the courtyard hid your view and created a unique view of its own. Take a look...

View of our outdoor seating from the balcony.

Different, isn't it? But very cool. Or hip. Or whatever these kids say these days.  Now the romantic part...

My sister Renell, the mother of the bride, gets escorted to her seat by her future son-in-law Anders.

The groom waiting for his princess bride.

My niece Caryn (Beth's sister) was maid of honor.

The father of the bride escorts the beautiful bride down the aisle.

A final kiss from Dad.

Beth is a beautiful bride from all angles!

After sharing their personalized vows and exchanging rings, they were pronounced husband and wife!

The newlyweds greet their fans of friends and family.

A sneak peek through the window at the receiving line, where Beth is greeting Uncle Paul, my sister Rayna's husband. They drove up from Texas this week for the wedding and will continue on a long road trip out West starting next week.

Can't resist a family photo op at this place!

 My sharp-dressed men... My world!

Naturally, a sweetheart selfie!

Carter and his cousin Anthony (my great-nephew) get some practice poses for senior pictures. Looking good, boys.

Three generations: Grandmother and mother of the bride.

We gave Caryn so much grief because she rarely wears dresses. So we had to pose with some attitude!

Even Jim had to get his photo of the historic moment. Ha.

My first niece and her son, my first great-nephew, who is a head taller than us both – even with our heels!

Caryn and Anthony were looking up at Rayna's camera but it's kind of a neat angle from my short position as well!

Mom and her 8 R's! All of her kids were there and a majority of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. My nephew Tim and his crew even came from South Dakota. Didn't even get a chance to visit with him unfortunately. Time flies when you are having fun, trying to see everyone and, of course, dance!

Had a great meal and super fun time dancing. We "old aunts" surprised Beth by learning a dance called "The Wobble". (You'll have to YouTube it and just guess which version we did.) I'm not sure if Beth was smiling at us or laughing at us, but we were OK either way. Just our typical silly family fun.

Jim and I stayed until the last dance at midnight before walking the 2 blocks to our hotel. Well past our bedtime but well worth it.

A very special day for some very special people!

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