Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Business Dinner

Recognize my view?

In my new work department, we have 3 people off site – 2 in our Minneapolis office and one at home in southeastern Wisconsin. Once a month, they all come to company headquarters in Wisconsin Rapids so we can eat a fresh Kringle from Racine, go out to eat at Anchor Bay... oh, and have lots of face-to-face meetings.

It was nice to meet people I will be working with on projects with. It was also nice to go out to eat after work so we could get to know each other in a casual atmosphere.

Nothing says casual – and Wisconsin summer – like dinner at Anchor Bay on the Wisconsin River. Love that place! Food was great as always and the company was pretty good, too.

I already enjoy my new co-workers and it was reinforced tonight with a lot of laughs and easy conversation. That's a relief. I still miss "my people" from my old job a lot, but it helps with the transition to have good "new people" in my life.

Now, if I can just retain all the information that's been crammed in my head the past 3 weeks and make use of it! Maybe I'll just have to keep going to Anchor Bay until it sinks in.

Looks like a good meeting place to me!

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