Thursday, December 24, 2015

Almost White, Almost Christmas

When we woke up to this scene in our backyard, we thought we might be in for a white Christmas after all. Frankly, that is just enough for me. Don't need so much that it's hazardous to GO anywhere.

But would it last? My pictures from the doorways made it look like just a dusting. Then, as I skated my way out to the mailbox, I remembered how much it poured last night and that rain must have turned into sleet, then snow. Uff da. Don't need that.

Figured I'd stay home as long as I could. Got my Saturday chores done from last weekend, which I will just count as "early" for this Saturday. Happened to receive the last gift in the mail today so I got that wrapped, too.

It did warm up enough that the main roads were fine by the time Carter went to 1 p.m. church. So that was good. Stopped at Wal-Mart to get a few items for tomorrow's breakfast. Oh my. What a zoo there! Not only lines at all the checkouts, but already at the customer service counter. How can you return things BEFORE Christmas? Who knows? I was out of there quickly.

At 4 p.m. we went over to Jim's parents for the Austin get together with his sister Sherry, husband Baird and son Colin. Casey made it home from Eau Claire to join us, too. We were missing Clay, but he lives out in North Dakota now and we don't know when he'll be back home again.

Still had a very nice time. Ate too much, but it was soooo good, as usual! Exchanged gifts and talked stupid awhile. Ha. In that good, family way!

Took the annual "boys" picture. Not sure if Carter is catching up to cousin Colin or if he was on his tippy toes. Only Carter knows that, I guess. I was just concentrating on getting a good photo. But with these guys, how could it not be?

Came home to our house after 9. Casey is staying over night so Santa can visit all of us. It's snowing a bit again. Hopefully Santa can handle the delayed transition from fall to winter in Wisconsin.

I'm not ready for it. But I don't have far down the hall to deliver my gifts!

Hope you all are spending the holidays with the ones you love! Travel safely! Merry Christmas!

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